Cornell University


protein synthesis

Protein synthesis in 1971

Hippies, protein synthesis, and Lewis Carroll, mixed together like some weird Jell-O mold. Too fascinating to look away.

is that a sheep?

Mystery liverwort fungus, chapter 3

What could it be, this liverwort thing? Has anyone ever seen this before? FAM pursues the fungus through the musty dusty literature and the well-stocked but torturous passageways of his own brain. Finally, the magical powers of Santa Claus are invoked.

A tribute to Carl Sagan

I’m fortunate to work in the same place Carl Sagan did. On the 10th anniversary of his death, a brief remembrance, and a celebration of a couple of other science communicators who influenced me.

what the?

Mystery liverwort fungus, chapter two

Part 2 in FAM’s series on the mysterious liverwort fungus. What the heck is this? Mycology is hard.


Blewit eaters

Blewits are tasty purple mushrooms, so it’s always exciting to find them. But imagine how excited I was when I found they had an ornate and seldom-seen parasitic mold growing on them. Do you know me at all? I was ecstatic.

a mystery

The Friday Afternoon Mycologist

The Friday Afternoon Mycologist makes his first appearance on the Blog, and tells us about his vexing and/or intriguing liverwort fungus. Why is mycology so hard? And why do all truly interesting things happen on Friday afternoons?

spider fungus

A spider’s nightmare

I’m no fan of spiders, but I have to admire them when they are thoroughly dead and covered in fungus. Here are two fungusy spiders in glorious rotation. That’s right, I’m no fan of spiders, but I am definitely a fan of fungi.

club root

Cabbage monstrosities

The things that were once called Fungi but aren’t anymore are legion. Here’s one of them, a little swimmy thing that causes clubroot of cabbage. It gives cabbage monstrously clubbed roots, and as a bonus, acts as a vector for other diseases. Although we love its monstrous cruelty, we have banished it from the kingdom of Fungi. Be gone!

wait for it

Time lapse stink

Two stinkhorn species in time lapse video. They’re astonishingly rude.


Most people don't pay much attention to fungi, which include things like mushrooms, molds, yeasts, and mildews. Here at Cornell we think they're pretty fascinating. In fact, even the most disgusting foot diseases and moldy strawberries are dear to our hearts. We'd like to talk to you about fungi, so that like us, you too can tell gross stories at the dinner table. Afterwards, maybe you'll notice some things you would have overlooked before, and we think this could be good for the planet.

Kathie T. Hodge, Editor

Beneath Notice, our book of borescopic mycology.


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